Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Only 12 Weeks Left

We only have twelve weeks left until our second school year is officially over.  It seems to fly by so fast.  It seems like we just started a few weeks ago but in reality it has been 24 weeks already. That blows my mind. We have done very well this year. All three boys have improved dramatically in reading and their math skills. I am so proud of them. And both my boys have come to really enjoy our Bible time and look forward to it. That my friends is what I am really happy about.

This week I am starting multiplication with J and R. J is doing really well. He picked up on 0's and 1's super fast and knows his 2's pretty good. R is having a bit more trouble. But that's okay because he is trying. It just takes him a little longer to get focused. But he is picking up on them so that's good.

For my other one, I, is learning degrees of angles. This is fun... at least for me lol. He isn't too fond of it. He gets confused on using the protractor but he is trying really hard and starting to understand it. I am so proud of him. He does get frustrated because he hates doing language arts, especially with verbs, adverbs, adjectives etc. He thinks its stupid to have to learn those and to be honest I do to but I know he will be tested on it so we learn it.

This year we haven't gotten to do much of our health, history, art, spanish and piano like I would like to do but that's okay. This year was kind of an adjustment year again since we added R to the mix. I think next year will be better. Anyone who has homeschooled knows that the first couple years are adjustment periods. It takes a while to really get in the groove of things.

I can't believe I almost have a 5th grader and 3rd grader. I'm telling you time really does start to fly by faster and fast as each year goes by. It makes me sad that they are growing so fast but at the same time I love watching them grow and learn and become more independent.

Isn't that the goal of homeschooling?? Being independent and learning to learn in everyday life is my main goal, along with helping them grow closer to God. I feel like we are accomplishing those goals. so that makes me super happy. I can't help be think about what I would be missing out on if my kids were still in public school. I would miss so much. I wouldn't get to have three meals a day with them. I would get to watch that ah-ha moment appear whenever they finally understand something. I just wouldn't get to watch them grow as much.

So I am glad that the Lord led us to homeschooling because I feel we are doing good and that this is best for my kids.

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